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Inverts Bay

Acanthastrea Echninata Ultra (LPS-072)

Acanthastrea Echninata Ultra (LPS-072)

Regular price $45.00 CAD
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Acanthastrea echinata, commonly known as "Acan Echinata" or "Pineapple Coral," is a Large Polyp Stony (LPS) coral admired for its vibrant colors and unique texture. This species is relatively hardy, making it suitable for both novice and experienced aquarists.


  • Difficulty Level: Intermediate

  • Lighting: Moderate to High

  • Flow: Moderate


  • Lighting Requirements: Acan Echinata corals thrive under moderate to high lighting conditions, typically between 150–200 PAR. It's essential to monitor their response to light, as excessive intensity can cause stress. Adjust placement within the aquarium accordingly to achieve optimal health.

  • Water Flow Needs: They prefer moderate water flow environments, which aid in nutrient absorption and waste removal. Avoid strong currents that may damage their delicate polyps.

  • Placement in Tank: Position Acan Echinata corals on the bottom or lower regions of the aquarium, ensuring they have ample space to accommodate their growth and to prevent aggression towards neighboring corals. In the wild, they inhabit areas of water at depths between 0 and 50 meters.

  • Feeding Habits: While primarily photosynthetic, Acan Echinata corals benefit from supplemental feedings. Offering small meaty foods, such as brine shrimp or mysis shrimp, can promote faster growth and enhanced coloration. They are aggressive eaters and will readily accept most food types.

  • Aggressiveness: These corals can exhibit aggressive tendencies, especially during nighttime when their sweeper tentacles extend. It's crucial to provide sufficient space between them and other corals to prevent potential stinging incidents.

  • Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water conditions is vital. Ideal parameters include a temperature range of 73° - 84° F (23° - 29° C), salinity around 1.025 specific gravity, pH between 8.1 - 8.4, and alkalinity between 8 - 12 dKH. Adequate calcium levels (380 - 420 ppm) and magnesium levels (1200 - 1350 ppm) are also essential for their health.

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