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Inverts Bay

Pink Tongan Bowerbanki (LPS-XXX)

Pink Tongan Bowerbanki (LPS-XXX)

Regular price $80.00 CAD
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Pink Tongan Bowerbanki (Homophyllia bowerbanki) is a striking large polyp stony (LPS) coral, celebrated for its vibrant orange coloration and intricate patterns. Native to the Indo-Pacific region, including Tonga, this coral adds a dynamic aesthetic to marine aquariums.


  • Difficulty Level: Intermediate 

  • Lighting: Moderate (PAR 150-200)

  • Flow: Moderate


  • Difficulty Level: Suitable for hobbyists with some experience, though beginners can also succeed with proper care.

  • Lighting Requirements: Thrives under moderate lighting conditions, typically between 150-200 PAR. Providing appropriate light levels helps maintain its vibrant coloration.

  • Water Flow: Prefers moderate water flow environments, which aid in nutrient absorption and waste removal. Avoid strong currents that may damage the fleshy polyps.

  • Growth Rate and Space Requirements: Moderate growth rate; monitor expansion and provide sufficient space to accommodate their size.

  • Feeding Habits: Primarily photosynthetic; benefits from supplemental feedings of small meaty foods like brine shrimp or mysis shrimp to promote optimal health and growth.

  • Aggressiveness: Generally peaceful but can extend their polyps considerably, potentially overshadowing or contacting nearby corals. Providing adequate spacing helps prevent any unintended interactions.

  • Propagation: Reproduce asexually through budding. Hobbyists can propagate them by carefully cutting a portion of the coral and securing it to a substrate, ensuring proper care to minimize stress and prevent infection during the process.

  • Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water conditions is crucial for the well-being of Large Orange Tongan Bowerbanki corals. Ideal parameters include a temperature range of 75-80°F (24-27°C), pH between 8.1-8.4, and salinity around 1.025 specific gravity. Regular monitoring and adjustments ensure a healthy environment for these corals.

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