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Inverts Bay

Pink Branching Cyphastria (LPS-XXX)

Pink Branching Cyphastria (LPS-XXX)

Regular price $45.00 CAD
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Pink Branching Cyphestria Coral is an elegant and colorful Large Polyp Stony (LPS) coral known for its branching structure and vibrant pink coloration. It is suitable for intermediate to advanced reef aquarium hobbyists due to its care requirements.


  • Difficulty Level: Intermediate to Advanced

  • Lighting: Moderate to High

  • Flow: Moderate to Strong


  • Lighting Requirements: The Pink Branching Cyphestria requires moderate to high lighting for optimal health and vibrant coloration. It is important to adjust its placement in the tank based on the coral’s response to light to avoid bleaching from excessive exposure.

  • Water Flow Needs: This coral thrives in moderate to strong water flow, which promotes healthy tissue and helps remove waste. Ensure that the flow is not too turbulent, as this can stress the coral.

  • Placement in Tank: Place the Pink Branching Cyphestria at a slightly higher elevation in the aquarium to ensure adequate lighting. It should be spaced properly from other corals to avoid stinging, as it can extend its sweeper tentacles at night.

  • Feeding Habits: Though it has zooxanthellae for photosynthesis, Pink Branching Cyphestria benefits from occasional supplemental feeding. Offer small, meaty foods like mysis shrimp or brine shrimp 1-2 times per week to support growth and color development.

  • Aggressiveness: This coral can show aggressive tendencies when its sweeper tentacles are extended, so maintaining enough space from other corals is essential.
  • Water Parameters: Stable water parameters are crucial for the health of the Pink Branching Cyphestria. Ideal conditions include a temperature of 73°- 80° F (22° - 27° C), salinity around 1.025 specific gravity, pH between 8.1 - 8.4, and alkalinity between 8 - 12 dKH. Regular monitoring of these parameters ensures long-term health and growth.
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