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Inverts Bay

Fox Face Rabbit Fish

Fox Face Rabbit Fish

Regular price $125.00 CAD
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The Foxface Rabbitfish, also known as the Foxface Lo, is a vibrant and hardy marine species native to the Western Pacific, including regions like Western Australia and the Philippines. Its distinctive appearance and peaceful nature make it a popular choice among marine aquarists.


Essential Information:

  • Common Names: Foxface Rabbitfish, Foxface Lo
  • Scientific Name: Siganus vulpinus
  • Family: Siganidae
  • Origin/Habitat: Inhabits coral-rich lagoons and reefs in the Western Pacific, notably around Western Australia and the Philippines.
  • Maximum Size: Up to 9 inches (23 cm) in length.
  • Lifespan: Typically 5 years or longer in captivity.
  • Level of Difficulty: Intermediate; suitable for aquarists with some experience due to specific care requirements and potential venomous spines.

Appearance & Physical Traits:

  • Coloration & Pattern: Bright yellow body with a distinctive black and white striped face resembling a fox's snout.
  • Body Shape & Structure: Laterally compressed body with a prominent dorsal fin equipped with venomous spines used for defense.

Habitat & Environmental Needs:

  • Minimum Tank Size: At least 75 gallons (284 liters) to provide ample swimming space.
  • Water Temperature: 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C).
  • pH Level: 8.1 to 8.4.
  • Specific Gravity: 1.020 to 1.025.
  • Aquascape: Incorporate plenty of live rock formations to offer hiding spots and grazing surfaces for algae consumption.

Diet & Feeding:

  • Diet Type: Herbivorous.
  • Preferred Foods: Primarily feeds on various types of algae; supplement diet with high-quality marine-based seaweed and algae sheets.
  • Feeding Frequency: Provide food 2 to 3 times daily to ensure consistent grazing opportunities.

Behavior & Compatibility:

  • Temperament: Generally peaceful; may exhibit territorial behavior towards other rabbitfish but coexists well with most other species.
  • Social Behavior: Can be kept singly; if multiple rabbitfish are desired, ensure ample space to minimize territorial disputes.
  • Tank Mate Compatibility: Compatible with a variety of marine species; exercise caution when housing with small invertebrates, as they may occasionally nip at corals if underfed.
  • Activity Level: Active swimmer, often seen grazing on algae throughout the tank.

Care Considerations & Additional Notes:

  • Ease of Care: Hardy and adaptable, making it suitable for aquarists with some experience.
  • Special Requirements: Handle with care due to venomous dorsal spines; ensure a well-balanced diet to prevent potential nibbling on corals.
  • Breeding Info: Breeding in captivity is rare and not well-documented.
  • Additional Notes: Regular monitoring of water quality and maintaining a stable environment are essential for the health of the Foxface Rabbitfish.
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