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Inverts Bay

Orange flame scallop

Orange flame scallop

Regular price $30.00 CAD
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The Flame Scallop (Ctenoides scaber) is a striking bivalve mollusk renowned for its vibrant red mantle and unique appearance. Despite its allure, maintaining this species in a home aquarium presents significant challenges due to its specialized care requirements.

Essential Information:

  • Common Names: Flame Scallop, Red Flame Scallop
  • Scientific Name: Ctenoides scaber
  • Family: Limidae
  • Origin/Habitat: Inhabits coral reefs and rocky substrates in the Caribbean Sea and Western Atlantic Ocean.
  • Maximum Size: Up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) in length
  • Lifespan: Typically 1–2 years in captivity, though often shorter due to care challenges
  • Level of Difficulty: Expert; not recommended for novice aquarists
  • Reef Safe: Yes; poses no threat to other reef inhabitants

Appearance & Physical Traits:

  • Coloration & Pattern: Features a vivid red mantle with elongated tentacles extending from the shell's opening, creating a flame-like appearance.
  • Body Shape & Structure: Possesses a typical scallop-shaped, hinged shell with a series of fine ridges.

Habitat & Environmental Needs:

  • Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons (114 liters)
  • Water Temperature: 72–78°F (22–25.5°C)
  • pH Level: 8.1–8.4
  • Specific Gravity: 1.023–1.025
  • Aquascape: Requires ample live rock formations to provide crevices and shaded areas, mimicking its natural habitat. Prefers low to moderate water flow to facilitate filter feeding without causing dislodgement.

Diet & Feeding:

  • Diet Type: Non-photosynthetic filter feeder
  • Preferred Foods: Primarily consumes phytoplankton and, to a lesser extent, zooplankton. In captivity, regular feedings of live or commercially prepared phytoplankton are essential.
  • Feeding Frequency: Due to their constant filter-feeding nature, maintaining a consistent presence of suitable planktonic food in the water column is crucial. This may necessitate multiple daily feedings or a continuous feeding system.

Behavior & Compatibility:

  • Temperament: Non-aggressive and peaceful
  • Social Behavior: Solitary; does not require companions and may retract into its shell when threatened or exposed to sudden changes in light or water movement.
  • Tank Mate Compatibility: Compatible with most reef-safe fish and invertebrates. Avoid housing with species known to prey on bivalves, such as certain wrasses and puffers.
  • Activity Level: Sessile; remains stationary within its chosen crevice, extending its tentacles to filter feed.

Care Considerations & Additional Notes:

  • Ease of Care: Highly sensitive to water quality fluctuations and requires pristine conditions. Regular monitoring of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate levels is essential.
  • Special Requirements: Due to its non-photosynthetic nature, the Flame Scallop relies entirely on filter feeding for nutrition. Maintaining an adequate and consistent food supply can be challenging and may impact overall water quality.
  • Breeding Info: Reproduction in captivity is rare and not well-documented. In the wild, they are broadcast spawners, releasing eggs and sperm into the water column.
  • Additional Notes: The Flame Scallop's sensitivity to light and water movement necessitates careful placement within the aquarium. Providing shaded areas and ensuring stable water parameters are crucial for its well-being.
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